Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Why You Should Improve Your Bing SEO

Original author Bobs SEO Las Vegas - Affordable Search Engine Optimization Services

Admit it, it’s not every day that you get to read an article about Bing SEO. When people hear the word SEO, most of them impulsively think of Google among other things.  While Google SEO obviously prevails among all, it still doesn’t negate the fact that Bing is a valuable opportunity anyone must not miss out if they want to boost their rankings and drive more traffic. Bearing that in mind, here are four reasons that will strongly persuade you to focus on the unsung hero, Bing SEO.

  1. Less competition

Above all other facts, we clearly know that Bing has lesser competition than Google. Needless to say, internet users have rarely complaints about a web dominated by Google. In fact, many people now consider the word “search” synonymous with “Google”. As a result, most websites are scrambling their way to the top of Google and spending even lesser time or no time at all optimizing for Bing and other inferior sites. Now, what you must know is that Bing is the second placer when it comes to search traffic, comprising 30% of searches. You may think it’s only a measly number, but in truth, this tiny 30% can become a whole set of opportunities. Since most of your competitors are focusing on improving their Google SEO, it is your chance to capitalize on Bing. This is a great opportunity especially for websites that are having a really hard time climbing on the first page of Google. Lastly, it is an excellent opportunity for new businesses to gain notable traffic.

  1. Its social signals are highly valuable

In Bing, social signals are highly esteemed especially when it comes to website ranking. However, in Google, social signals are not considered a ranking factor. Fortunately for Bing, it holds high regard for social signals. This means that the top ranking sites in Bing are most likely to have a higher number of shares, likes, tweets, and other certain URLs stand out in top results that have a high amount of social signals. For businesses that are heavily dependent on their social media strategy, this is a great advantage for them because Bing SEO will not only earn then more user engagement but also increase their Bing rankings.

  1. It is transparent when it comes to its ranking factors

You’ve probably noticed that Google is not so keen on transparency concerning matters like ranking factors. As for Bing, although it does not lay out all the details, it is much upfront on how and what websites can do in order to boost their rankings in SERPs. Bing provides thorough instructions on the beginning process and offers lists of helpful resources about their ranking factors in their webmaster guidelines. What’s more, it has free tools that will assist you in starting your SEO plan. These tools are SEO reports that generate suggestions on how you can improve your SEO and SEO analyzer to help you scan a page and prepare a report immediately.

  1. Its image search is superior

When it comes to image search, Bing is surely the winner on this one. Finally, Google has been beaten down on at least one aspect. Needless to say, image search is Bing’s forte. Thanks to its infinite scroll design and grander ability to filter images, Google comes in second place. Moreover, its browser has ever since offered sharper and high-quality images than Google, which has become its competitive edge. Even better, Bing did not just stop there because in 2017, it launched its Visual Search Button that allows users to click on any object in the photo, and as a result, Bing will show matching images and pull up product pages. With this new innovative feature, Bing presents its searches a completely new opportunity in terms of image searching.

This post Why You Should Improve Your Bing SEO is from Bobs SEO Las Vegas.

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